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Tips for Safely Shoveling Snow

Tips for Safely Shoveling Snow
Snow shoveling can contribute to a host of injuries to the spine, shoulders, and muscles of the body. Most of the problems are a result of excessive bending and twisting while carrying a heavy load. Here are some tips to avoid pain and injury from shoveling snow. The Basics. Think of snow shoveling as a form of exercise, so as with any exercise, prepare your body for what you are about to do.. Don’t begin shoveling snow after eating, smoking, or consuming caffeinated beverages...
Posted on 2022-01-07

Healthy Gardening Tips

Healthy Gardening Tips
Healthy Gardening Tips. Unfortunately, every time you water the garden, you also water the weeds!  While many people garden for the pure pleasure of it many others garden out of pure necessity.  Whatever your reasoning, gardening can be a fun but formidable recreational activity that can certainly result in injury.  There are several tips you should wisely heed regarding the best equipment to use, along with using the proper technique in order to make your gardening experience bo...
Posted on 2020-04-19

Tips for Shoveling Snow... The Safe Way!

Tips for Shoveling Snow... The Safe Way!
Tips for Shoveling Snow...The Safe Way!. By: Cole Howell, PT, DPT. Photo by Filip Mroz on Unsplash It’s that time of year again, and if you’re like me you are liking spending time outside clearing the snow from your car and driveway. Shoveling snow is a repetitive activity that leaves makes up vulnerable to injuries. Muscle strains of the lower back and shoulders are some of the most common complaints we see as a result of snow shoveling. If you are deconditio...
Posted on 2019-02-20

Tips for a Happy and Healthy Thanksgiving Holiday!

Tips for a Happy and Healthy Thanksgiving Holiday!
Tips for a Happy and Healthy Thanksgiving Holiday!. Thanksgiving is one of North America’s all-time favorite holidays.  It’s a day to give thanks, count your blessings, celebrate with family and friends, and indulge in some of the best foods on earth.  In 2011, the American Automobile Association (AAA) estimated that 42.8 million people would travel away from home to celebrate Thanksgiving [1].  It is no wonder that Thanksgiving is such an important holiday to tra...
Posted on 2018-11-21

In Search of the Perfect Pillow

In Search of the Perfect Pillow
In Search of the Perfect Pillow. By Tamer Issa, PT, DPT. “Can you recommend a good pillow for sleep?” is one of the most common questions that I have heard from our clients over the years.  Let me start off by saying, there is no one perfect pillow for everyone, the best thing you can do is find the best pillow for you and your body.  Most people know that their current pillow is not doing the trick because they wake up with a stiff neck, neck pain, or a headache. ...
Posted on 2018-09-10
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