
How to Fit in Exercise While on Vacation

How to Fit in Exercise While on Vacation
Balancing Vacation and Your Exercise Routine By: Megan Piersol, DPT. Vacations can be a very stressful time, but also a very relaxing time. Often the stress comes from actually taking time off work, feeling somewhat guilty for doing so, and also the stress of trying to fit in your exercise. Why can’t vacation also equal exercise? Let’s face it, you actually might have more time to fit in an exercise routine on vacation than you do when you go back to your rigid personal and work ...
Posted on 2019-03-25

Why Water is Great!

Why Water is Great!
Why Water is Great!  By: Megan Piersol, DPT We have all heard that is important to get enough water during the day, yet it can sometimes be a struggle. An excuse I get often from patients, and one I can relate to, is that there isn’t enough time during the day to be able to go to the bathroom if they drink the required amounts of water. One way I try to combat this issue is that I drink water in the morning knowing that I can go to the bathroom before I start work. I then drink gl...
Posted on 2019-01-30

9 Things To Stop To Save Yourself Time, Stress, and Create A Healthy Mindset (part 3)

9 Things To Stop To Save Yourself Time, Stress, and Create A Healthy Mindset (part 3)
9 Things To Stop To Save Yourself Time, Stress, and Create A Healthy Mind and Body: Part 3 By: Megan Piersol, DPT You have now made it to the last of the nine things we need to stop telling ourselves for a healthier lifestyle and mindset. The last one is more of something we need to stop doing versus telling ourselves. Without further ado, here we go: Stop dwelling on the past. Give yourself some time to learn and recover from past mistakes or occurrences and then try and let it g...
Posted on 2018-10-12

9 Things To Stop To Save Yourself Time, Stress, and Create A Healthy Mind and Body; Part 2

9 Things To Stop To Save Yourself Time, Stress, and Create A Healthy Mind and Body; Part 2
9 Things To Stop To Save Yourself Time, Stress, and Create A Healthy Mind and Body: Part 2 By: Megan Piersol, DPT   It has been about 3 weeks since I last posted on this topic. I hope you have had some time to reflect on, and have success with. The first three things I suggested to stop telling yourself were: stop comparing yourself to others, stop being afraid to fail, and stop focusing on the “can’t.” I am now going to bring up three more things you can stop doi...
Posted on 2018-09-21

In Search of the Perfect Pillow

In Search of the Perfect Pillow
In Search of the Perfect Pillow. By Tamer Issa, PT, DPT. “Can you recommend a good pillow for sleep?” is one of the most common questions that I have heard from our clients over the years.  Let me start off by saying, there is no one perfect pillow for everyone, the best thing you can do is find the best pillow for you and your body.  Most people know that their current pillow is not doing the trick because they wake up with a stiff neck, neck pain, or a headache. ...
Posted on 2018-09-10
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