Thoughts from Quebec City (IFOMPT Conference)- Day 5
Notable notes from the last day at the IFOMPT conference
When you witness something unexpected and unexplained you have a choice to Ignore or Explore (LJ Lee, D Lee)
Groin pain/injury continues to significantly affect soccer players with a 28% incidence rate and a 20% reoccurrence rate
Predictors of groin injuries in soccer players:
- previous injury
- adductor and abductor strength ratios
- muscle length and strength imbalances
- fatigue
- training errors
- inadequate warm-up
Some facts about hip labral tears:
- can present with different pain patterns
- magnetic resonance arthrography (MRA) is the diagnostic test of choice
- gold standard for diagnosing an acetabular labral tear is by arthroscopy
- arthroscopy surgical procedure as treatment is growing rapidly
- good results can be achieved but pain can remain
- over-diagnosis is a danger
- adequate conservative management is essential